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Medical Supervision

With the oversight of a registered nurse, a team of personal care aides guide seniors through daily exercise regimens and monitor their health. Our services include regular health assessments, vital signs checks (blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels), and medication management to ensure adherence.



Checking vitals involves monitoring participants’ blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, and respiration. Trained staff regularly perform these checks to track health status, detect any abnormalities, and ensure early intervention if needed. Results are recorded, and any concerning changes are reported to healthcare providers.

Medication Administration

Medication administration involves trained staff assisting participants with taking prescribed medications at the correct times. Staff members follow medical orders, ensure proper dosages, and document administration. Medications are often stored securely, and staff monitor for side effects. Participants’ families or healthcare providers supply medications with clear instructions. Regular communication between caregivers, nurses, and physicians is crucial to managing health conditions safely, promoting well-being, and ensuring compliance with prescribed regimens.

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